changing room

[ˈtʃeindʒiŋ ru:m]
  • 释义
  • 更衣室;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    I was back in the changing room wolfing tea and sandwiches.


  • 2、

    But vicinity beach, Jinsha, shape like crescent moon, a flickering changing room, colorful, exquisite exquisite.

    而近处的海滩, 碧浪金沙, 形如弯月, 一幢幢更衣室, 五颜六色, 精巧玲珑.

  • 3、

    There's a changing room here, sir, with a mirror inside.

    先生, 这里有间试衣室, 里面有镜子.

    ——无师自通 校园英语会话
  • 4、

    It's still bright, especially when coming out of a dark changing room.

    天色明朗, 尤其是刚刚从阴暗的更衣室出来的时候.

  • 5、

    An hour later, in the Changing Room, Fanny was energetically protesting.

    一小时之后, 在更衣室里, 芬妮理直气壮地驳斥着她.

  • 6、

    It'should be noted that access to the packaging area is via a changing room.


  • 7、

    Yes, follow me to the changing room and stand in front of the mirror.

    好, 请跟我去更衣室在镜子前面站着.

  • 8、

    More importantly, he in changing room function as well as he on field indomitability.

    更重要的是, 他在更衣室中的作用以及他在场上的不屈不挠.

  • 9、

    And the fully enclosed changing room lets you change in complete privacy.

